[ Leetcode ] 1409. Queries on a Permutation With Key - Java
2021. 1. 30. 09:15
Given the array queries of positive integers between 1 and m, you have to process all queries[i] (from i=0 to i=queries.length-1) according to the following rules:
- In the beginning, you have the permutation P=[1,2,3,...,m].
- For the current i, find the position of queries[i] in the permutation P (indexing from 0) and then move this at the beginning of the permutation P. Notice that the position of queries[i] in P is the result for queries[i].
Return an array containing the result for the given queries.
Example 1:
Input: queries = [3,1,2,1], m = 5
Output: [2,1,2,1]
Explanation: The queries are processed as follow:
For i=0: queries[i]=3, P=[1,2,3,4,5], position of 3 in P is 2,
then we move 3 to the beginning of P resulting in P=[3,1,2,4,5].
For i=1: queries[i]=1, P=[3,1,2,4,5], position of 1 in P is 1,
then we move 1 to the beginning of P resulting in P=[1,3,2,4,5].
For i=2: queries[i]=2, P=[1,3,2,4,5], position of 2 in P is 2,
then we move 2 to the beginning of P resulting in P=[2,1,3,4,5].
For i=3: queries[i]=1, P=[2,1,3,4,5], position of 1 in P is 1,
then we move 1 to the beginning of P resulting in P=[1,2,3,4,5].
Therefore, the array containing the result is [2,1,2,1].
Example 2:
Input: queries = [4,1,2,2], m = 4
Output: [3,1,2,0]
Example 3:
Input: queries = [7,5,5,8,3], m = 8
Output: [6,5,0,7,5]
- 1 <= m <= 10^3
- 1 <= queries.length <= m
- 1 <= queries[i] <= m
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
public int[] processQueries(int[] queries, int m) {
int[] answer = new int[queries.length];
List<Integer> P = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=1; i<= m;i++){
for(int i=0; i< queries.length; i++){
int value = queries[i];
int order = P.indexOf(value);
answer[i] = order;
P.add(0, value);
return answer;
1. P를 만들어준다 1부터 m까지
2. 값에 대한 순서를 찾아서 answer에 넣고 맨 앞으로 꺼낸다.
import java.util.*;
class Solution {
public int[] processQueries(int[] queries, int m) {
int length = queries.length;
int[] answer = new int[length];
List<Integer> P = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i=1; i<= m;i++){
for(int i=0; i< length; i++){
int value = queries[i];
int order = P.indexOf(value);
answer[i] = order;
P.add(0, value);
return answer;
queries.length를 미리 length에 담으면 메모리는 좀 더 줄어든다 !